United Development Initiatives for Programmed Actions–(UDDIPAN) started functioning from 1984. It is a national level non-profit organization to promote & enhance of human rights of the poor, underprivileged & disadvantaged segments of the country with prime focus on the participation of children, youths, women & men. UDDIPAN started Micro-Finance Program from 1989. Now UDDIPAN Micro-Finance Program’s working area coverage 64 Districts, 465 Upazillas, 1,545 unions and 11,106 villages through 950 branches. Micro-Finance staffs are 6,777. Micro Finance Program (MFP) of UDDIPAN is a major economic initiative by which the target beneficiaries try to change their economic vulnerability to achieve a minimum standard of life.
Micro Enterprise
Conventional banks with their demand for collateral and referral make it difficult for the poor entrepreneurs to qualify for loans and allied financial services. Typically also the poor entrepreneurs fall through the net because the sizes of the loans they require are too small to meet their increasing demand. UDDIPAN has played a pioneering role in its efforts to break the restricted access by developing its micro enterprise products and services that better fit the needs of the poor business owner. Since its starting remarkably in 2006, UDDIPAN’s Micro Enterprise Program has helped 1,23,250 entrepreneurs, mostly women, up to December 2024.