Health & Nutrition Promotion:
1. UDDIPAN-PROBE Health Care Project.
2. Sastho Apa Development (for each Group).
3. Doctors Network Across the Country (SACMO+MBBS).
4. UDDIPAN-PROBE Health Card.
5. UDDIPAN-PROBE Diagnostic Service.
6. Women Friendly Mode Pharmacy.
7. UDDIPAN-PROBE Telemedicine Service (Doctors from Home & Abroad).
8. Training for Village Doctor’s for Developing Skills.
9. Village Ambulance Service.
10. Primary Health Care Service.
11. Senior Citizen Health & Rights Project.
12. School Health & Nutrition Education Program.
13. Expansion of Cultivation of herbal Medicinal Plants.
Education Development:
1. Bangabandhu Higher Education Scholarship Project.
2. SUCHALA (Scholarship) Project.
3. Scholarship Program for Meritorious students.
4. Turning Centre (Field & Head Offics).
5. Pre-Vocational Training (PVT) Project.
6. UDDIPAN International Technology University (Proposed).
Nature & Environment Development:
1. Bid Comm.
2. Seed Ball Plantation.
3. UDDIPAN Nursery.
4. Solar Irrigation Project.
5. Solar Minigrid Project.
6. Tree Plantation Program including Palm Tree Alongside Road.
7. Goher Ali Thikedar plam Tree Plantation Project.
8. Crocodiles From for Conservation.
9. Sanitation Development.
10. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (Wash) Project.
11. Water Treatment Plant Project.
12. Environment Friendly Vehicle.
13. Climate Change Adaptation Project.
Agriculture Technology Promotion:
1. Mobile Agriculture School (Krishi Pathshala).
2. Agricultural Technology and Training Centre.
3. Organic Fertilizer Production Project.
4. Sandbar Cultivation.
5. Rural Micro Enterprise Transfomiaion Project (RMTP).
6. Extension of Summer Onion Cultivation Project.
7. Sunflower Cultivation Project.
8. Floating Farming Projects in Water Hyacinth Dams in Coastal Area .
9. UDDIPAN Agro Ltd Company.
10. Seed and agro Nursary Projcet.
11. Marginal Farmers Agricultural Productivity Improvement Pojrect.
12. The Grain Storage Loan Project.
Livestock Development:
1. Cattle Exchange Bank.
2. Livestock and Poultry Vaccination Program.
3. Sheep Breeding Farm.
4. Family Farming Project in Local Poultry Development.
5. Dairy Farms and Production of Milk and Milk products & Marketing.
Fisheries Development:
1. UDDIPAN Fish Seed Bank.
2. Fish Farming flood plaing.
3. Fisheries Project in Agriculture Field.
4. Bio-Flack Fishing Project (Proposed).
Socio Economy Development And Gender Equality:
1. Empowering Children & Youth (Youth Empowerment)Project
2. UDDIPAN Club.
3. Combat Human Trafficking Project.
5. Livelihood Development Project for the disable.
6. ENRICH Program.
7. Senior Citizen Project.
8. Investment Component of Vulnemble Group Development (ICVGD) Project.
9. Adolescent Program.
10. Establishment of Women’s Progress Bmnch.
11. Women Development and Gender Equality.
12. Increase of women Starks and women Members.
Livelihood Development of Ethnic Group:
1. Providing Loans to Ethnic Groups With low service charge.
2. Mobile Branch Operation.
3. Cultural and Financial Development Projects of Small Ethnic Groups.
1. Community Tourism One village One Tourism Project.
2. Heritage Regime Project
3. Client Risk Coverage Fund.
4. Housing Loan Project.
5. Naming of Branehes of Eminent Persons and Celebration of their Birth a Anniversaries.
7. Lightning Death Grant Scheme.